Saturday, October 18, 2008

my cousin's wedding dinner

10/10/2008 & 11/10/2008~~~晚上的喜酒,早上上完课之后就赶着回槟城了,回到又要set 头发, 化妆.......其实我超不喜欢喝喜酒。。。。。不喜欢。。。。觉得很无聊!!! 不过,这一次是还好啦。。。。只是就一直拍照拍照。。。。。第二天就是新郎娶新娘的日子。。。。就弄这些搞那些一大堆。。。。。终于,等到新郎新娘走了,可以回去睡觉了。。。。。我没有把我的con lens 拿出来就爬去床上睡了。。。。在睡醒要拿出来的时候 ,奇怪。。。。左边的怎么拿也拿不出来。。。。那时就开始很害怕很害怕。。。然后就去了眼镜店,他们check 了,原来根本就没有在里面!!! 可能是掉了自己也不知道。。。。他们帮我洗了眼睛过后,已经没有酱痛了。。。。不过还是有一点刺痛刺痛的感觉。。。。很够力不舒服哦。。。。不过过几天就没事了。。。。真的是吓死了!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Now is my college holidays.....after came bec from my godmother's house,it's quite bored at home, that 1 drama---家好月圆, dono watch how many times, i decided to create a new blog. friends suggest me 2 create a blog, but I always gave a lot of excuse, actually I'm a lazy girl......haha......sometimes, I really hard to describe my feelings, erm......I dono why, I dono how to say,....something like friend 'kek' sei' by me.....haha.....she said she gt '脑子便秘' and me '文字便秘'........I think both of them i oso gt .......Haiz.....i only know now our distance is very long long long! Except missing......still missing...............